Call the RCMP at 279-3001, or your local detachment, if you discover that a crime or a dangerous situation is happening to an older adult.
If you are not sure if an older adult is being abused, contact Eastern Health (Health & Community Services) at 891-5025 to talk with a social worker.
If an older adult tells you that they are being abused, believe them.
Listen to them with respect, and talk with them about how you can help them.
Learn about resources available in the community to assist older adults.
Understand that leaving an abusive situation is difficult. Be respectful of that person’s decision.
Encourage an older adult to seek support and help.
Do not confront the suspected abuser; this could put you or the other person who is being abused in danger.
If you believe that an older adult needs help, talk to them first to find out how you might help.
Ask them things like, "How are you doing?" "Are you having trouble at home?" " Can I help you?" " Is there someone I can put you in touch with who can help? "